Thursday 25 February 2016

Problems gaining access to set

After being in contact with the Princess Royal hospital in both East Grinstead and Haywards Heath, Burrswood hospital in Tunbridge Wells and also the Ashdown Forest Health Centre and receiving a universal 'NO' we realised that it was not going to be a possibility, whether it be down to insurance, health & safety or lack of personnel, we won't know as no real reason was given.

To overcome this issue, we reviewed our storyboard and discussed possible set replacements, eventually decided that we would instead film a similar shot but instead of a hospital bed the protagonist (or antagonist) would be lying on the floor in a forest.

This was frustrating, especially because it had been done before so we spent a lot of time trying to sort something out.

Monday 1 February 2016

Callum Leach, Tony Bryant and Jake Woolven direct, produce and star in this gripping thriller about a tale of someone’s past which is pieced together in the final moments of a coma which left them searching for answers, and searching for revenge. With the police refusing to aid him due to a ‘lack of evidence’, the story follows him on his journey to uncover the truth or prove his insanity. From beginning to end, the audience are left asking questions. Who do you trust? What do you believe?


“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him into evil ways.”