Thursday 25 February 2016

Problems gaining access to set

After being in contact with the Princess Royal hospital in both East Grinstead and Haywards Heath, Burrswood hospital in Tunbridge Wells and also the Ashdown Forest Health Centre and receiving a universal 'NO' we realised that it was not going to be a possibility, whether it be down to insurance, health & safety or lack of personnel, we won't know as no real reason was given.

To overcome this issue, we reviewed our storyboard and discussed possible set replacements, eventually decided that we would instead film a similar shot but instead of a hospital bed the protagonist (or antagonist) would be lying on the floor in a forest.

This was frustrating, especially because it had been done before so we spent a lot of time trying to sort something out.


  1. You have tried really hard to sort this out, and that will be rewarded in planning marks - so all is not lost! Now do your best to refocus - it sounds like you have selected a new setting, which could work well.

  2. However, there is still only 1 post for the whole of February, and you MUST address this problem immediately to avoid losing marks for the blog elements of the research and planning and construction parts of the assessment. Some of these marks cannot be retrieved later, so it's vital you do this now. I'm not sure that you understand how important this is. Anything in draft must be published immediately.
