Thursday 10 December 2015

Story board of the story

Callum and I (Max) were the ones to create this story board. Callum was the artist of the first 17 shots and was the one who thought of some great shots and story ideas. This is while I was writing the script and story and drew the last 7 shots. We decided to create a < 1 minute sequence about a drug lord and a small time criminal arguing about a deal gone wrong. Then a short ending gun fight kicks off. On the end shot there is guns aimed at both drug lord and the criminal, a gun shot goes off and the screen goes black. Meaning that no one knows the out come of the gunfight. We have planned to have the sequence take 57 seconds over all.

In the story boarding there are two actors as bodyguards however when we were creating it we had another actor who is now unable to attend to the filming. This now means that we only have one bodyguard, the drug lord and the criminal.

1 comment:

  1. This is fine for the prelim, but make sure that you listen carefully to the instructions for completing the storyboard for the thriller opening, as this will take much longer and involves an animated storyboard.
