Thursday 3 December 2015

The 180˚ rule: This rule states that all cameras must be filmed on one side of an imaginary line so it does not break continuity. If the rule is broken, the audience will be confused and may lose focus subsequently missing vital parts of the film, especially in scenes such as conversations, chases or sport. The rule must never be broken unless it is for effect, an example of this being in Stanley Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’, where the roles of each character are reversed, making the accused the accuser. The only other way that the line can be crossed without confusing the audience is by showing camera movement, therefore meaning that the camera has to stay on that side of the line unless camera movement is shown crossing back over the line.

Link to Youtube video

1 comment:

  1. Good use of The Shining to show what happens when it's broken. When you have edited, return to this and apply it to screen shots from your film.
