Tuesday 1 March 2016

Problems on set while filming

During filming of certain scenes we ran into a number of problems. One of the main problems was with the use of prop guns.

Because the prop guns we were using for the death scene were completely blacked out this could have lead to the confusion that we had real weapons. This was obviously a massive problem as we didn't want to have the police being called so we had to print of signs which we would place around the scene out of shot where we were filming.

While shooting the car chase scene we ran into some problems with the people living around the area where we were filming. One lady came up to us and nicely asked us to leave due to the fact that she thought we were being too loud and that we were going to get in the way of other cars so we then had to leave and we were not able to film the rest of the car scene without that setting. This meant we had to change the car chase scene so the setting is not shown as much. We had chosen that location to film the car chase scene as it was a dead end and had great positions to set up my tripod.

Even though there were good places to set the tripod we chose to us the tripod as a camera stabiliser because it made a slight sake to the footage causing the scene to be more tense and created the illusion that the cars were goings faster than they were.

A small part of the chase scene (Not edited):

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