Monday 7 March 2016

Title sequences

Title sequence analysis

1989 Batman

As the sequence begins, we see the movie producers and some of the cast. As this is happening, we see a dark place which the camera is panning around in long smooth motions. This makes the audience wonder if its the iconic bat cave or Gothem city. We are then confronted wth bold yellow text giving us the two colours of batman symbol black and yellow. It then pans out whilst continuing to display the yellow writing showing the batman symbol and finally showing the director upon the batman logo.

Star wars IV: A New Hope

The sequence begins with the producing company and continues on to Clearly state the title of the film. The title in in bold yellow text making it clear to the audience and giving contrast to the black background with stars, By using this background they make the audience wonder if the movie is going to be set in space or not. Following this, there is a large paragraph or text which is scrolling up the screen allowing the audience to read it and get information about the film before it begins.

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