Friday 29 January 2016

Thriller opening Pre-production
Due - 29/01/16
Tony Bryant

Target audience
Would be target at an older more mature audience as the storyline is quite complex.
Our story is in a non-chronological order so it is quite hard to grasp what is going on as some points.

Travel distance will be to the Queen Victoria for the scenes involving the hospital.
Access to our location we have called up and they have agreed to try and help us out but it is not 100% certain yet.
The risk of the places we are filming; the hospital is about the safest place we could film but the driving scene could be dangerous for obvious reasons.  
Mood and atmosphere we want the setting to create; the hospital creates a confused, enigma atmosphere as the audience wonders why he is in there.
One setting that is key to the plot of our short thriller opening is a single patient room in a hospital where our protagonist is in serious pain in his bed.
If it doesn’t work out with getting hold of the Queen Victoria hospital then we have connections through another group member to get into a different hospital further away. It’s called the Burswood hospital. We have also been able to get in contact with

We will need:
  • Cars
  • Guns
  • Smart (Suit) and casual clothes
  • Hospital bed
  • Heart monitoring screen (Real/Fake)
  • Hospital patient clothing

I have a prop gun which I have spray painted all black

We all know people that are able to use and their cars in our thriller opening. We have some prop guns but if we do not have enough we are able to borrow them from the college prop storage cupboard and if not there we are able to buy them.
We will need to make warning signs for the guns as they are going to be painted almost fully black making it hard to tell if it's a real gun or not.
Jake has family connections to help us with getting access to this hospital equipment and if we are not able to get access then we will create our own bed for it as all we need it a relatively close shot of their face while on the bed.
Getting hold of the equipment might be a lot hard to do so we may have to make it ourselves.   
We have asked for the hospital to supply us with the clothes for the scene of Callum waking from a comma. For the other scenes we will have our actors dress with causal clothes but have the antagonist wear darker clothes as this will passively create a darker mood while they are on screen.

Hair and make-up
For the protagonist hair it would be messed up as they have been in quite a physical event that has put them in hospital. There would be little blood as it would have been cleared up by the hospital staff but there maybe scars on their face from whatever happened.
For the idea of a scar on Callum’s face:

We will not be able to carry on with this idea thought if we are not able to get the make-up and equipment for it in time for the shoot.
Lighting and colour
When setting up the lighting we will want to create an even amount of light for most scenes but then in scenes where we are trying to create enigma we will use a semi lit or backlit scene.
Body position and facial expression
During our car chase scene we will have a close up on the facial expression that the protagonist will be giving as he is being shot at.

1 comment:

  1. As I have also said for the posts above, this is a description of what you needed to do BEFORE LAST FRIDAY'S DEADLINE. This is a very brief description of your tasks, but there is very insufficient explanation of progress made. You will all need to work very hard to catch up.
