Thursday 14 January 2016

Research task movie 2 (Bourne Ultimatum)

Bourne ultimatum

In the first shot we see a close up of the ground with a fast paced walk. By this we can infer that the character is rushing from something. This shot connotes that it is in a cold country we can see this as the ground is snowy. We also hear non-diegetic sound of the music which is also fast pace and sharp, quick cuts connoting a chase scene.
In the next shot we see a long shot. This makes us see more of the character allowing us to see more of what is happening within the scene. The character also appears to be wearing all black clothes. This suggests that he wants to be unseen by anyone and has a dark personality. The character also appears to be limping; this further suggests that the character is running from something with a sense of urgency as he is continuing to run although he is injured. We also hear the diegetic sound of police cars connoting that he is running from the police.After this it pans to the train station and shows how busy it is. This also allows us to see more of the setting giving us greater knowledge of the environment and where the scene is taking place.

In the next scene we see police officers rush out of their cars and the diegetic dialogue to each other whilst attempting to chase the character. This connotes that the character has done something wrong and is a threat.
After this we see the character jump off a train in an attempt to escape the police. We hear a diegetic cracking sound. This connotes that he has further hurt his leg in the pursuit and we also hear the character cry out in pain. This suggests to the audience that the character is in intense pain and he is desperate to get away as although he is in pain, he continues running.

In the next scene we see an establishing shot which then zooms in to focus on a door. This connotes that the character is attempting to get to that room unseen. The main character then enters a medicine room. This makes the audience wonder why he has this room and connotes that he has done something similar before. He then begins to rush around with a sense of urgency as if he has limited time. This suggests that he needs to find some medicine to help with his injury.

In the next shot we see him pull out a gun and place it in the sink. This connotes that he is a dangerous man and could have shot someone explaining why the police are pursuing him. After this, we see the main character attend to a gunshot wound. This makes the audience wonder why he has this and how he got it.
In the next shot we see the main character losing a lot of blood and begins to see oversaturated and slow motion images. This connotes that they are flashbacks to his past. After seeing these he shakes his head suggesting he want to forget his past.

In the next shot we see the two police officers enter the medicine room where the main character is. Through the diegetic dialogue we can tell that the main character is resisting the commands of the officer and then he turns and knocks out one of the police officers and points his gun at another. Through the diegetic dialogue we can find that our main character is merciful as he states “my argument is not with you.” This connotes that he is after a certain target and does not want to hurt or kill anyone he does not have to.

1 comment:

  1. You have described some of the thriller elements here. Try to provide more detail, making it more thorough. Analyse narrative and character more directly too. Use more terms. Don't forget that you also need to say what you are inspired by, or how this might link to your ideas for your own thriller.
