Thursday 14 January 2016

Research task movie 3 (Silence Of The Lambs)

Silence of the lambs

To begin the shot there is a fade into an establishing shot of some trees without leaves. This tells the audience what time of year it is giving them more information of where the scene is set. The fog in the background also looks mysterious making the audience wonder what is going to happen next.
In the next shot the camera pans down to show a women running up a hill. A high angle was used to make her appear small and weak. Non diegetic music was also used whilst panning and as she gets higher up the hill there is a crescendo. This makes the audience think something bad is going to happen. There is also diegetic sound of an eagle making the surrounding area seem deserted and the girl is alone.
There is more diegetic sound when the women is breathing heavily. This connotes that she has been exercising and is tired. However she continues running showing that she is strong willed.

When she reaches the top of the hill, we see that she is wearing a F.B.I jumper. This shows the audience that she is a part of the F.B.I and is training for it. In this scene there is also a lot of sweat on her jumper. This connotes that she has been working hard and links back to the idea of her being strong willed.

There is a tracking shot from behind the women as she is running. This is so that the audience feels more involved with the shot. There is also non diegetic sounds as she runs into the fog making it more mysterious.
After this there is a close up of the womens feet as she is running. This makes the audience see how fast she is actually moving. There is also diegetic sound of her feet hitting the ground and her puffing, allowing the audience to know how quiet the surrounding area is and how alone the women is. As she is running the diegetic sound of the leaves crunching underneath her feet also tells the audience what time of year it is and where the scene is set.
In the next shot there is a close up of the womens face. This is used to show the women is focused on what she is doing. Then there is a tracking shot of her until she reaches a cargo net. This makes the audience think that she is taking part in an assault course for the F.B.I. She then climbs up the cargo net. A mid shot was used so the audience could see her struggling connoting that she is tired.

1 comment:

  1. You have analysed some aspects of this character. You need to say more about these techniques in terms of creating the thriller mood. It's difficult with this film, but consider whether you think this is the protagonist or antagonist, and what signs there are of this being a thriller.
