Thursday 14 January 2016

Research task movie 1 (The Hurt Locker)

Hurt Locker

In the first scene it begins with shot quick cuts and a establishing shot. In this shot we see what looks like a dessert which suggests that it is set in a middle eastern country. There is also diegetic sound with an alarm suggesting that an evacuation is taking place .
In the next shot, we see the evacuation. Long shots are used to give the audience a better understanding of the environment where the scene takes place. The clothes they are wearing also suggest that they are in a middle eastern country and there is also text at the bottom of the screen telling the audience where it is set. The non diegetic sounds of shouting and chaos add to the urgency of the evacuation.
In the next shot, there is an extreme long shot suggesting a chaotic atmosphere similar to the previous scene of the evacuation. The diegetic sound of car horns adds to the chaos and urgency of the evacuation and controls how we as an audience see and think is happening. Then, the camera zooms and pans onto what seems to be a robot. The camera movement is irregular as if it is done with military equipment such as a sniper scope or binoculars as it is shaking adding a sense of knowing which you could associate with the army.

In the next shot we see more people being evacuated. This suggests that it is affecting everyone. However, a few shots after we see a mid shot of what appears to be a man not co-operating with the military. By this we can assume that he has very little except his store and if he was to leave he could potentially lose his stock and be left with nothing.

In the next shot, the military truck fills up the whole shot. This suggests that the truck is very large and that a large disturbance has happened as you would not usually see this kind of military vehicle.
The diegetic dialogue of the soldiers and the fast cuts adds to the sense of urgency. The shaky camera makes the audience feel as if they are in the POV of a solider and in the midst of the action.
Once we see the soldiers get out of the truck, we then see what look like another POV of a different solider or a civilian. By doing this we see the action from different perspectives adding to the chaos as it suggests that it is everywhere and affecting everyone. After this there is a quick zoom out and pan which continues to suggest that someone is watching the soldiers.

After this, we see a POV very close to the ground and shaking. The diegetic sound of the ground crunching beneath makes the scene seem unsafe. This combined with the diegetic sound of voices and livestock suggests that there is a full evacuation and the area is unsafe for anything.

After this, there is an extreme close up of two soldiers. This suggests to the audience that the task they are doing is very difficult and requires intense concentration. In the next shot, we see a close up of one of the soldiers. It then cuts to a POV of some people looking at what they are doing and then returns to the soldier and then returns to a POV of another group of people also watching him. This makes the audience believe that the soldier is suspicious of the people watching as they are standing and watching them as they approach there objective.

1 comment:

  1. Sound work so far, but although you may be up to the 2 mins here, you ought to explain where this scene goes next. There needs to be more sense of how the suspense builds here - it's a very tense scene, but this doesn't really come through in your analysis. Decide on protagonist and antagonist and use more terms. Try to write more (around half again.
